Monday, December 17, 2012

Practicing faces - Lee Hongki

Step 1: Blocking in the shape, first attempt to place the facial features

Step 2: Defining the forms and better placing the facial features

Step 3: Threw some textures on there, color balanced, final adjustments and touch-ups

Drawing at dinner

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Animal-Human Hybrid: Boar Momma

Finished Product: Boar Momma

1) Started with a bad pose.

2) Made it a better pose.

3) Added some color.

4) Added more color and defined some forms.

5) Added a gradient and enhanced the details.

6) Did a value check, color-balanced, and finished off the refinements.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Concept Creature: Fishbait Angler

Final product: Fishbait Angler

After researching real fish, I did some concept thumbnails.

1) Lineart from thumbnailing
2) Simple value
3) Final value painting

1) Warm and cool color contrast
2) Splashed some more colors on there
3) Color-balanced the image and added some final touches